MONSTER GUIDE: Work From Home Tips
This one's for all of you hard workers at home! We know it takes some getting used to, but here are some tips to make working at home productive.

Category: Lifestyle
Published Date: March 25, 2020
Last Update: May 20, 2020
Author: Ianna Flores

Tip 1: Avoid distractions like TV, streaming sites and social media 

We know it's hard to concentrate working when you're at home since these distractions are already at arms reach, but try to restrain yourself from all of these. Your Netflix show, Instagram story and Facebook post can wait until after working hours so just try to sacrifice a few hours of your time to make your work from home a productive one!

Tip 2: Set up a work space

Setting up a work space makes you feel like you're back at your office desk even if you're working from home. Of course, make your work space cozy and comfortable! If you're working on your laptop or PC, set up a table where you can place your device. Put important things on your work space as well such as a planner/notebook for taking down important notes and ideas, pens and pencils for writing down, a printer (if needed) and trinkets or thingamajigs to make your work space personal and not plain-looking! If your work space doesn't require any table/desk, set it up in the way you would feel comfortable working at. 

Tip 3: Don't stay in bed

A very important tip from people working at the comfort of their own homes. Our bed is our bestest friend and worst enemy during working hours. Be cautious about this and fight the urge to hit that snooze button on your alarm or your mindset that it's okay to wake up 5 minutes before your working hours since you don't have to commute to the office. Resisting the temptation of the comfort of our bed is hard, but getting in trouble for being late to work (even when you're just at home) is harder. 

Tip 4: Create and update a to-do list

A to-do list is an essential for any working individual. If you don't have one yet, create one! Write down all the things you need to accomplish for the day, cross out the ones that you have done and list down ideas as well as this might come in handy for whatever work you're doing. Don't forget to update your to-do list every now and then to keep track of all your workload!

Tip 5: Eat a well balanced meal

It's hard to control our eating habits and diet when you're at home but try to do so when you're working. A well balanced meal consisting of food such as vegetables, fish, fruits and nuts helps clear our brain, gives us energy throughout the day and gain focus. It also helps us control our urge to eat junk so we don't feel bloated and lazy during working hours (or even the whole day!)

Tip 6: Take short breaks

Don't forget to take short breaks so you won't strain yourself working. Remember, you're already working from the comfort of your own home so make use of this work set up to embrace the feel of your sanctuary. Play with your pet, watch a 20-minute TV episode, browse social media, whip up a snack, take a power nap or just relax - but only do this while you're on your break! 

Tip 7: Keep your team updated

Working from home is a collaborative effort, especially since everyone is required to stay in their homes. Meetings are now done thru different messaging apps and video calls. Always let your team/colleagues and bosses know what you're doing work-wise. Let them stay up to date on what you've accomplished so far, what you're currently working on and what you're planning to do for the day or even the next few days. Also don't hesitate to ask for help, give ideas or offer a helping hand to a colleague who needs it. Just because you're not seeing each other face to face, doesn't mean you'll ignore each other. 

Tip 8: Resist the urge to work overtime

Working overtime is not a good idea when you're working from home. Resist it! You can continue whatever needs to be done the next day. When working hours is over, hours for home start. Your family is waiting for you to join them for dinner, your friends are waiting for you to say hi to them via social media, your pet is itching to play with you. Shut down your device, put away your stuff for work, and relax. Get a good night's sleep as well so you'll feel energized for your work at home tomorrow.

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